10 Fundamental Technical SEO For WordPress Which Webmasters Should Know


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Technical SEO is just a simple issue which refers to technical settings, codes and servers. In this article I am going to focus on the settings that you can easily find and fix them as well. The primary goal of modifying SEO codes is to making your site simpler to search engines so that they can easily crawl, recognize and index your website or blog. It is bit scaring for non techy person to handle such type of SEO needs but you will be have to learn that now most of the issues can be simply fix without any technical knowledge since tons of assisting tools are available to audit, notification and multiple technical issues found.

Hare I have included most common SEO issues which usually found with WordPress websites.

    1. H1 Tags

      In HTML the H1 tag is usually called header tag and it entitled of page or post, the tag used on the top with largest text size.

      Problem: Missing H1 tags or multiple H1 tags

      Cause: The coding of the WordPress theme is poor and user override it through editor.

      Why it is an Issue: It makes search engines too confused to understand the content of the website.

      Identification: With the assistance of 3rd party software review of source code like Mozbar.

      Solution: Replace the old one with new theme, remove the unnecessary content manually.

    2. Meta Titles and Descriptions

      Meta title and its description literally help the search engines by giving ideas about the page or website you have.

      Problem: Excessive long or short meta tag, missing meta, multiple meta

      Cause: Incorrect or lack of plug-ins

      Why it is an Issue:  It makes search engines too confused to understand the content of the website.

      Identification: Utilize Google Search Console to review source code

      Solution: Proper configuration of all in one SEO or Yoast plug-ins

    3. SEO Friendly URLs

      If the URL of any website is search engine optimized and the structure of your website is pretty understandable by search engines then you will are going to be ranked higher.

      Problem: Number based URL not based on words and gingerly words and luck of hierarchy.

      Cause: expired old fashioned web technology, incorrect settings in WordPress

      Why it is an Issue:  Create difficulty to crawl, understand making hierarchy by search engines

      Identification: Screaming Frog and Dynomapper can be used to crawl and review website

      Solution: Set permalinks to post name in WordPress, use SEO plug-ins to further clean and optimize

    4. Robot.txt Files

      It’s an execution protocol for search engines that usually webmasters create to provide instruction to search engines how should the website crawl and indexed.

      Problem:  All of the file may be missing or full or errors

      Why it is an Issue: Causes sensitive content to be indexed or incorrectly blocks search engines from searchable content

      Cause: old fashioned configurations

      Identification: Use of Google Search Console

      Solution: Review and monitor the website on regular basis with Google Search Console

    5. XML Sitemaps

      Theoretically site maps tell Google to about how the content is organized on your site.

      Problem: Unstructured, segmented, Sitemaps with errors

      Why It’s an Issue: Makes it difficult for search engines to locate all content and/or understand the hierarchy of a website

      Cause: Bad and poor practices, site without proper plug-ins or no plug-ins

      Identification: Use of Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console to review the site

      Solution: Review for errors in GSC and BWT, All in One SEO or Yoast should be installed and configured properly

    6. Duplicate Content   

      If same content shows under different URLs we call them duplicate content.

      Problem:  http vs. https, www vs. non-www, online pages + printer friendly pages, session IDs

      Why It’s an Issue: It confuses both the human visitors and search engines

      Main Cause: Low quality website software, configuration issues and plug-ins

      Identification: Utilize Google Search Console and Google Analytics to identify the source of issue

      Solution:   Review periodically with Canonical URLs, Yoast SEO plug-ins

    7. 301 Redirects

      It is an instruction code that redirects the old location permanently to new domain. This also transfers the whole SEO history to routes traffic to new URLS.

      Problem:  Reconstruction without 301 redirects

      Why it’s an Issue: Loss of existing SEO ranking for pages, post and site, loss of human website traffic, loss of indexed content

      Core Cause: Lack of education on part of website owner, lack of education on part of digital agency

      Identification:  Google Analytics and Google Search Console are best for the discovery

      Possible Solution:  Use of WordPress plug-ins similar to Redirection, hireling SEO expert

    8. Mobile Responsive

      Mobile responsive websites are far more preferable to user of dimensional platform as well it is inevitable for SEO.  Much more traffic are coming today from mobile devices thus Google focusing the algorithms for mobile compatible websites.

      Problem:  Theme which have fixed type framework does not support to adjust with different screen resolution and different platform therefore perform poorly.

      Why It’s an Issue: Poorly perform with variable devices and reduces Google search ranking

      Main Cause: Poorly coded websites with outdated framework

      Way to Identification: Review your site on ami.responsivedesign.is

      Resolution Options: Use responsive framework based WordPress theme

    9. Schema and Rich Snippets

      This is actually structured data that tells Google about the focused content of your website. These are used to present rich snippets in search engines results.

      Problem: Lack of schema or incorrectly used schema

      Why it’s a Fact: Search engines fail to understand content of your website

      Root Cause: Poorly coded theme and plug-ins

      Identification: You can use structured data testing tool of Google for this purpose

      Solution: Update website with new theme which are furnished with Schema and Rich Snippets

    10. Speed and Performance

      Google uses the speed and performance of any website in its algorithm. Though it is not a major factor for already popular website but it much more crucial fact new websites for indexed by Google.  Recently it is turned into a growing concern for most of the search engines.

      Problem:  Too much time to load website

      Why It’s an Issue: Makes it difficult for search engines to crawl content and creates a poor user experience for human visitors

      Core Cause: Poorly coded theme, error coding, too many plug-ins, large images, bad hosting

      Identification:  Pingdom Tools and Google PageSpeed Insights are perfectly suitable for the purpose

      Solution: Need to optimize the MySQL database, reduce image sizes, use of cash plug-in, and upgrade hosting

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About The Author
Dr. Sabbir is an experienced front-end software engineer, WordPress specialist, and web consultant with over 12 years in the tech industry. Although he holds a medical degree from Rajshahi Medical University, he chose to follow his true passion for web development. Since then, he has designed and developed intuitive websites and applications across a range of industries utilizing his proficiency in various programming languages to improve user experiences.
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