How to add social media meta content easily?

Here in this video, I will show you how to add social media meta content for your WordPress page or post. It is fairly easy. Facebook Debug URL:

Hello, there this is Dr. Sabbir from WpMania. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can easily add metadata specific to social sharing. it is fairly easy and also at the end of this video, I will show you how you can easily update social media meta content especially for Facebook. So let’s do it. We are going to install a plugin, so we will log in to your WordPress admin panel and click add new. Here type Yoast SEO. okay. And click enter. that is a typo. Okay. So click install now and it will install the plugin. It may take a little bit of time. Okay. Now click activate. It is really a huge SEO plugin. And you see we have already installed the plugin.

How to add social media meta content easily?

Now we will go to a page or post. For this tutorial, we are going to update the home page. So click edit. And, just below the content area, you will find Yoast SEO settings. And this is the basic SEO setting, you know, that we already know you can add the keyword, then metadata, and everything else. For this specific tutorial, we will just focus on social media. So click on Social. And, here you see have a specific option for Facebook then you have a specific option for Twitter. So we are going to add a specific image for Facebook so click on the select image. From here you can actually upload an image or you can even use an existing image. so here we’re going to use this one for Facebook and you can actually add a title and description for Facebook. Then come to Twitter. And same for Twitter. We can select an image. Maybe this one. Then you can add a title and description. When you are done with metadata. You just need to click the update button over here. Okay? And when you do it. You not only add the metadata for Facebook and Twitter, but it will also cover other social media. Okay? So this is really handy, and you can actually add a call-to-action image that will definitely improve your conversion rate from social media. And if you are already using it, and you want to publish your site to your Facebook account, you may find the metadata was not updating instantly. But there is a little trick you can follow. to update those metadata instantly. For this, we are going to use Facebook debugging tool. and we will go to this URL. don’t worry I will add the link in the description below. Oka? So when you are there, you just put your website’s specific page URL, where you just added the, you know, the metadata. For instance, I am going to put one of my site URL. Okay, one moment. Okay. This one. So we will paste it here and click the debug. What it will do? It will actually tell facebook to crawl the specific URL and update their archived metadata with your new metadata. So you see my page actually showing really fine over here. So this is the thing and definitely, you will find it really useful and handy and, you know, SEO is a very simple thing when you do it right. And when you do small things right it just increases the value of your website. Okay, so that’s all for today. And if you like this type of training just comment below and definitely we will ensure to make a series like that. Thanks a lot. have a nice day!