WordPress Theme Customization Vs. Custom WordPress Theme Design

WordPress Theme Customization Vs. Custom WordPress Theme Design

Novice users of WordPress often get confused with these two terms which are related to the customization of existing website and another is developing a website with custom design. We are here to give you complete understating of these two volatile terms.

Theme Customization Vs. Custom WP Theme Design

Custom WordPress theme refers to the websites which are created according to the brand, focuses and goal of any business organization with the help of a team of professional graphic designers and expert PHP coders. The developer team works with the clients to create a completely unique website based on the clients need, instructions and objectives to represents the companies brand in best possible and unique way.

Customization of an existing website theme refers to the scenario in which a hired WordPress expert modify the already built website with certain client’s needs like customization of the color scheme, resizing a content area, modifying the fonts and styling. This option does not require any graphic designers team since website is already created focusing the brand.

When you will need to go through these Options?

Most of the business organization starts their websites for online presence and for well recognition of their physical business area. But over the time they need to update their site since several new devices and browsers will available for users. Therefore to make their site compatible for all modern platforms as well as for more improved attractive presentation of the new products new features are need to be added thus customization is inevitable. When your business will be dimensional you might feel to change the logo, fonts and colors for fruitful branding of your company then you will need the customization in color and fonts. But if you are just starting your business now you need to have a custom website for showing specific features and pages that you like to have.

Points to Be Considered

  • Designing a custom theme is time consuming process and it usually takes many weeks. You only decide to have custom theme when you have enough time allocated for graphical and coding works.
  • You will need to have a handsome budget for designing the custom theme since custom theme designing demands a large professional team constitute with both graphic designers and coders. Certainly this approach is appreciable for professional projects but requirement of adequate budget is a fact.
  • You might need to wait for many months before your projects starts as because most of the quality designers and coders have higher adoption rate and they are not available for all the time at all. Make sure that you have enough time to wait.

Finally, I think you have already understood the basic difference between custom theme designing and theme customization and this will help you a lot to make your decision before you start.  I would like to introduce wpmania.net, which is a large store of niche specific premium WordPress themes with an active large developer team and its WordPress themes are able to cover all of your needs. We even love to hear from our clients, make us learn if you need any help for customization.