Effect of Website’s Loading Speed on SEO


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We know that the algorithms Google follows for creating ranking page are complex and Google updates it every day. In past, Google crawler provided emphasis on keywords, domain, content, inbound links and similar others to determine the raking of any website. Presently, speed of the page is also considering as an important parameter while Google creates ranking result. Literally this new change has introduced couple of years ago. Therefore web developer, webmaster and website owner are too much concern about the speed of their website.

According to the Head of Google webspam team Matt Cutts, Google ranks websites lower which are relatively slow than others website of same niche. So it is obvious that the slower you the lower your raking will be. It seems that speed factors is a pitfall for webmaster who are struggling with the raking even they are putting lots of efforts like unique content and optimized design. If we try to see what Google wants from us is nothing but the user experience. Websites with poor performance are less affectionate to Google algorithms since they have poor use experience trait. Actually Google always focus on serving best experience to audience.

It is true that Google never defined any specific loading time that a website should have to get better result for raking however for sure the render time play vital role for raking issue. Render time refers to the time required for showing textual content, images, media files and banners. Loading time is equally crucial for mobile and desktop search thus your site should be friendly for mobile devices as well. In a nutshell, to get better raking with search engines you must make sure that your website will load fast regardless of device of visitors.

Page speed depends on some factors; here you will get some ideas about this:

Hosting: you can’t expect better performance from a cheap host as because cheap hosting site has low seep performance.

Theme:  Too much complex themes with heavy coding takes relatively more time than others.

Advertisements: Too much ads not only bother visitors but also lower page speed.

Images: High definition images can lower the speed of page greatly. It is better to use PNG file which have better quality but low weight.

Widgets: Widgets like calendars, social button and comment area could affect speed of the page.

Embedded Video:  Video of outside hosting can lower the speed and this could reduce by hosting video on own site.

So you have already realized that how much important the page speed is and which factors are playing crucial role behind the speed of your page. So it is high time you should focus on optimizing speed of your website and blog in instance to have positive impact on search ranking.

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Dr. Sabbir is an experienced front-end software engineer, WordPress specialist, and web consultant with over 12 years in the tech industry. Although he holds a medical degree from Rajshahi Medical University, he chose to follow his true passion for web development. Since then, he has designed and developed intuitive websites and applications across a range of industries utilizing his proficiency in various programming languages to improve user experiences.
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