10 Simple Ways to Convert Casual Visitors into Paying Customers

We have spent lots of time behind the design and functionality of the WordPress site but even after all the efforts you might not able to achieve the desired level of success. The hope behind the entire task is to make the buyers convinced to purchase, subscribing or getting them as premium member. It is not that you are not in the right path it may be the situation when your clients is not just ready to be converted.

10 Simple Ways to Convert Casual Visitors into Paying Customers

Let’s think like a customer. Suppose you want to buy a WordPress theme and you are searching on different websites who sell themes.  Now you find that one of the websites has real promise and the price and features are satisfactory. But you may think why not search for another site for better one certainly a pop-up message shows a special discount for you and the offer will be counted only if you buy within next 30 minutes. It will stop you for few minutes and you will certainly think again. Our article is about how you can focus on those last minutes tricks which improves conversion rate.

The Art of Having Conversions

Do you like to afford the loss of revenue or traffic as because you have too many visitors backing out of your site or abandoning their purchases? Not really.  You have designed your website for your business purposes so that you can sell your brand, and to give your customers what they want. But the website is not able to make the deal in spite of being perfect here are some tricks which can be used to prevent further conversion loss:

#1: Exit-Intent Tools

To convert visitors many technologies are at our hands they try to convert visitors till to the last moment. When the visitors try to exit the site move to another site a POP arise with alluring message.

The primary goal of such message is to serve the visitors a final opportunity to be converted.

  • A pop-up message should exhibit some attractive words so that visitors consider having one more look.
  • The POP may come with a sign-up form with a message that the visitor will get informative news and articles if he registers.
  • The message may contain special offer for visitors
  • You can also add a single question why they are leaving it will also act like a survey and let you correct the error. 


The strategy of exit-intent technology should design in way that does not kill much time of the visitors otherwise it may prove bad for you. Action should be simple and the message should be quick and snappy. Message should be brief and convincing.

#2: Scroll-Triggered Light boxes

This technology is similar to exit intent-pop ups with some modifications like…

  1. This type of message box shows during scroll and it do not triggered by attempt of leaving the site.
  2. It comes with more targeted focus as it pertains content oriented message

Such tools are good for websites with long and monotonous content as people start to move on the same page by scrolling they get lucrative pop up message with light box style and it actually makes lot of sense to stick to action.

We have enlisted some pattern of scroll-triggered pop-ups; hope it will be helpful for increasing engagement:

  • Subscription requests: Recent observation on light box proved that if the pop-up is triggered after five seconds of arrival of visitors you will get twice subscription that usual.
  • Post-specific pop-ups:
  • When the visitors reach middle of the article it is good to show them something else and a pop-up to offer something could be more expecting.
  • Live chat integrations: Usually live chats are not recommended but still it offers considerable possibility of making visitors engaged.


Make sure that the scroll-triggered messaging would not distract your visitors. You should take only few seconds of your clients for showing such light box.

#3: Post-Exit Follow-Ups

Webmaster generally consider the tools which works only when the visitors are on the site but there some killing technology which works one the visitors leave the site. One of the key goals of the marking is to keep in the mind of audience. To make this concept clear I am narrating an example hare.

The magazine ‘New Yorker’ had an offer of subscribing at $ 12. It was quite attractive and I visited the site last week, but still now I am thinking of the offer.  And you know what? I’m probably going to make that purchase because I’ve been thinking about it all week and it just keeps sounding better and better.

Have you ever learnt about retargeting or remarketing? The tool is quite good at recapturing visitor’s attention even after they left your site. And that’s not the only way you can follow-up with visitors once they’ve left. You can also use email to follow up with visitors after they’ve begun the shopping cart process.


To have better conversion you need to guide your visitors gently. You should not put stress to saying over and over ‘Buy Me!, Do This Now!’ or anything like this. You’ve got to first understand what it is that drew those people to your site then take actions based on that.

7 Helpful Tips for Preventing Lost Conversions

Typically for calls-to-action form for a website developer tends to focus on building the CTAs into a website’s design that guide visitors to a conversion. Like with the standard built-in CTA, these conversion recovery techniques should follow the same logic in terms of construction:

#1: Hit Their Emotions

You will get better conversion if you able to make your visitors engaged psychologically to your business and able to control their thoughts.

#2: Use Urgency

Use language like “Sign up now.” “Identify the truth today.” Or put urgency by showing limited-time special offer.

#3: Add Some Color

Color has the power to deal with certain emotions of the visitors and it will work greatly to last impression of your brand, and sometimes do lot to hold the leaving visitors.

#4: Make it Move

Inside long monotonous content slide show or live chat pop up may bring some joy to readers. Otherwise you can also add a quick video or animation to pop-up. Whichever the movement is, it must be pertinent to the content that visitors are on.

#5: Use Tools

You have access to plethora of tools, plugins, add-ons, and other integrations with which you can make the process easier:

#6: Bounce Exchange

Bounce Exchange has created “intelligent behavioral technology. This is nothing but a exit-intent tool that knows when and how to engage visitors if they’re about to leave.

#7: Optin-Monster’s Exit-Intent Technology

Optin-Monster offers similar service like Bounce Exchange. It works with behavioral technology that identify when your site’s visitors are getting ready to leave. You can choose any of the nine exit-intent pop-up available the options.


Loss of conversion can be refers to a great loss of revenue. If you fail to take safeguard against it you will frustrated with the outcome of your business. No matter you choose any of the tool available from exit-intent technology, scroll-triggered pop-ups, post-exit follow-ups, or something else entirely, just keep in mind that you should use them in proper way otherwise they may convey negative impact.