How to integrate social media WordPress sites stands as an important topic nowadays. Are you looking for ways to integrate social media with your WordPress site? If so, you’re in the right place! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to seamlessly integrate your social media accounts with your WordPress site.

How to Integrate Social Media WordPress Sitea

Integrating your social media accounts with your WordPress site offers a range of benefits. First, it can help you increase your social media following, as visitors to your site can easily connect with you on various social media platforms. Additionally, it can help you increase engagement and drive traffic to your website.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms

The first step in integrating your social media accounts with your WordPress site is choosing the right platforms. Not all social media platforms are created equal, and the ones you choose will depend on your business goals and target audience. Some of the most popular social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. it is a very essential thing to know how to integrate social media WordPress sites.

Installing Social Media Plugins on Your WordPress Site

it is a very essential thing to know how to integrate social media WordPress sites. Once you’ve chosen the social media platforms you want to integrate with your WordPress site, the next step is installing the relevant social media plugins. There are several plugins available, including “Social Media Share Buttons & Social Sharing Icons” and “Instagram Feed.”

How to Integrate Facebook with Your WordPress Site

Integrating Facebook with your WordPress site is easy. First, you’ll need to create a Facebook Page for your business. Then, you can use the “Facebook for WordPress” plugin to add Facebook widgets and buttons to your site, including the “Like” button and Facebook comments.

How to Integrate Twitter with Your WordPress Site

Integrating Twitter with your WordPress site can help you increase your Twitter following and drive traffic to your site. To do this, you’ll need to use the “Twitter Feed” plugin, which allows you to display your Twitter feed on your site. how to integrate social media WordPress sites have become an essential part of your website’s success.

How to Integrate Instagram with Your WordPress Site

Integrating Instagram with your WordPress site can help you increase engagement and showcase your visual content. To do this, you’ll need to use the “Instagram Feed” plugin, which allows you to display your Instagram feed on your site. it is a very essential thing to know how to integrate social media WordPress sites. so, you should take it seriously how to integrate social media WordPress sites.

Engaging Your Audience with Social Media

Now that you’ve integrated your social media accounts with your WordPress site, it’s important to engage with your audience on these platforms. This can include sharing your blog posts on social media, responding to comments and messages, and running social media campaigns. You may learn more about WordPress Tips and tricks here. Also, you may learn about the most common WordPress errors and how to fix them from here.

integrating your social media accounts with your Website

it is a very essential thing to know how to integrate social media WordPress sites. The WordPress site can be incredibly beneficial, it’s important to also focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. This includes blog posts, videos, and other forms of content that are informative, engaging, and valuable to your readers. Social media has become an essential part of our life, so every website owner should be how to integrate social media WordPress sites certainly.

Creating High-Quality Content

To create high-quality content, it’s important to start by understanding your audience and what they’re looking for. This can involve conducting research, analyzing your website analytics, and paying attention to what your competitors are doing. From there, you can create content that is informative, engaging, and valuable to your readers.

Integrating social media with your WordPress site is an excellent way to increase engagement, drive traffic, and grow your online presence. By choosing the right social media platforms, installing relevant plugins, and creating high-quality content, you can create a seamless social media experience for your website visitors. So, what are you waiting for? Start integrating your social media accounts with your WordPress site today!

Here in this video, I will show you how to add social media meta content for your WordPress page or post. It is fairly easy. Facebook Debug URL:

Hello, there this is Dr. Sabbir from WpMania. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can easily add metadata specific to social sharing. it is fairly easy and also at the end of this video, I will show you how you can easily update social media meta content especially for Facebook. So let’s do it. We are going to install a plugin, so we will log in to your WordPress admin panel and click add new. Here type Yoast SEO. okay. And click enter. that is a typo. Okay. So click install now and it will install the plugin. It may take a little bit of time. Okay. Now click activate. It is really a huge SEO plugin. And you see we have already installed the plugin.

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Now we will go to a page or post. For this tutorial, we are going to update the home page. So click edit. And, just below the content area, you will find Yoast SEO settings. And this is the basic SEO setting, you know, that we already know you can add the keyword, then metadata, and everything else. For this specific tutorial, we will just focus on social media. So click on Social. And, here you see have a specific option for Facebook then you have a specific option for Twitter. So we are going to add a specific image for Facebook so click on the select image. From here you can actually upload an image or you can even use an existing image. so here we’re going to use this one for Facebook and you can actually add a title and description for Facebook. Then come to Twitter. And same for Twitter. We can select an image. Maybe this one. Then you can add a title and description. When you are done with metadata. You just need to click the update button over here. Okay? And when you do it. You not only add the metadata for Facebook and Twitter, but it will also cover other social media. Okay? So this is really handy, and you can actually add a call-to-action image that will definitely improve your conversion rate from social media. And if you are already using it, and you want to publish your site to your Facebook account, you may find the metadata was not updating instantly. But there is a little trick you can follow. to update those metadata instantly. For this, we are going to use Facebook debugging tool. and we will go to this URL. don’t worry I will add the link in the description below. Oka? So when you are there, you just put your website’s specific page URL, where you just added the, you know, the metadata. For instance, I am going to put one of my site URL. Okay, one moment. Okay. This one. So we will paste it here and click the debug. What it will do? It will actually tell facebook to crawl the specific URL and update their archived metadata with your new metadata. So you see my page actually showing really fine over here. So this is the thing and definitely, you will find it really useful and handy and, you know, SEO is a very simple thing when you do it right. And when you do small things right it just increases the value of your website. Okay, so that’s all for today. And if you like this type of training just comment below and definitely we will ensure to make a series like that. Thanks a lot. have a nice day!

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Visual content adds real value to social media along with textual content. Here you will find 3 survey data about how the images act as currency. First of all, about 66% of social media posts include images. You might learn that Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest allow sharing greatest number of photos and only Facebook has a user of 350 million. Sharing images in social media is identified as crucial media optimizing tactic. Outside of social media the situation is same; we have found that website post with images get more view than only textual content. Thus presently the social media platform is also focusing on redesign.  In the way of Social media here the users actually want to interact more with visual posts. But one consistent challenge is sustaining here that most of the marketers are facing that is incorporating visual content with textual content for better marketing of the site. Once designing and visual integration were considered as stress for small business due to their higher cost. But the problem is almost solved now, since a plethora of amazing tools and resources are now available for crafting stunning graphics in instance.

In this article I will introduce some of the popular tool that will help you a lot for creating and customizing your visual elements.

  1. Pablo You can use this free tool craft brilliant images which are highly friendly for social media platform. It comes with 25+ stylish fonts, 600k+ searchable images and a variety of sizes to meet the needs of different media.You have many options like selecting template, using filter, and uploading images and adding text to the media. After the process is done it allows sharing that on social media. It also offers a chrome extension to download images and logo from web you can do it by clicking the dashboard. The best part of this tool is you can access all of its features without even crating any account with it.
  2. Canva Secondly we would like to recommend the Canava for creating amazing images in no time. It has drag and drop interface. It’s probably the most all-inclusive tool on this list, including templates for social media posts, cover photos and advertisements. It has in built tons of free images, graphics and fonts to Canva allows you to search for images along with images you can use text, shapes, frames, icons, charts and more.
  3. Skitch Skitch is perfect for focusing specific aspect of business and it allows taking screenshots for writing. You easily can mark your images, snap and webpages with this tool. It also helps to pixelate elements from photos, in the right sidebar of the app you will find annotation feature which can be even used for pdf.
  4. Sometime blogger write article on research data or survey to make them more graceful info graph need to add. Therefore the importance of info graph has been increased and is that magic tool that will create info graph in minute for you. Most of the time complex data can be easily by audience when it is presented with visual manner. They are also a great resource to generate contextual backlinks. Usually research based article requires info graph but it will set you back at least 100 $. But this tool is about to save your budget greatly in addition with that is will let you generate images with high graphic. And you will able to access all the option by simply signing up and account.
  5. Over Mobile websites and content are much more popular than desktop site since people of present era more like to be browse websites with handy devices. Now I am introducing a mobile app that can be your favorite tool to manage your images like a full-fledged studio. You will find this app on Google paly. The app is equipped with many robust features with which you can produce professional images in no time. The app also allows customizing color, text, fonts and more yes without using PC.
  6. Pixlr This tool has dynamic features and ability you can have the option to add effects, layers, filters, text and borders on your own images. It has a familiar and simple interface like other editing tools. Pixlr has web and app format and you will find the windows, android and iOS format.
  7. Images are indispensible part of content and for getting higher attention of views visual parts are considered important but too much images increase the weight of page and that takes too much time load. You might have knowledge that the more time your site takes to less you have chance to have their trust. Smush is a WordPress-based plugin you can use to scale down and compress your images and even without compromising their quality. Once it is installed it will scans image scales and subtract unnecessary part of it.
  8.  The Noun Project It’s a huge library of icon which can be accessed from search bar easily with keywords. And yes they are absolutely free of cost. To get freedom of use you need to use premium service which start from 9.99$. Icons are integral part of branding any digital goods so no way to ignore them.
  9. Pattern Library If you need amazing background for your social media post then you can use the Pattern Library without any hesitation. Pattern Library is a great resource for free and colorful backgrounds shared by talented designers. You can tile the images to any size you want.
  10. Pictaculous Color contrast of images is far more important to make suitable content for any site. Pictaculous gives you all rights to manage color of background, text, icon and frames.

Final Words

Now a days stunning graphic is not so hard like the previous years.  No you don’t need to learn the complex software like Photoshop, for designing graphics. The above mentioned tools are immensely simple to use and full of functionality to let you dynamic. So now getting increased visual, more viewer’s without spending much time for it.

Advertising is indispensable for growing any business but using the popular traditional advertising media are expensive requires enormous budget which may feel as burden for freelancer and small business owners. Fortunately there are lots of places where you can promote your enterprise for free. Without spending a single penny you can follow the savvy marketing strategy we are about to discuss here.

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Advertise your business Locally – For Free!!

  1. You Must Ensure Your Website have Value for Others: It does not matter whether your business is local or intentional your website should design in a way that it can be easily identified and navigate smoothly. You need to follow some basic rules including maintaining quality of content, focus on specific goal, make it intuitive for target ordinance, appropriate representation of brand, ensure SEO, integration of social media and optimize website for mobile user.
  2. Provide Emphasis on Blogging: Blogging could increase the chance of being noticed by your audience out there as because Google and other search engine crawl informative and beneficial content and consider them as a parameter to create raking for niche websites. So it widely important that your develop quality content and post them regularly on your blog. In addition with SEO needs regular update with new content let you interact with your potential clients and make them aware about your dedication and care which ultimately lead to have conversion.  Make sure that your website has social sharing buttons so the visitors can share them with their near one and this will let your post viral thus more people will discover your brand.
  3. Make Sure that You Arrange a Press Release Each Month: Get in touched with printing media of your locality and ask for opportunity if they have any option to capture your business details and create features on them. Publishing features on your business will give you a boost in your business by increasing the number of new local clients. You need to develop a healthy relationship with the editorial and journalist to convince them for writing on your business.
  4. Focus on Email Marketing Strategy: You can use email marketing software like MailChimp to design and to send email to potential clients this strategy will enable you to track and understand needs of your clients. For getting higher advantage from email marking strategy you will need to grow the database on regular basis. Encourage visitors of your website to sign up for email service.
  5. Utilize Video Content as Marketing Element: YouTube is second most visited website on web. So, why not we take the opportunity to leverage video marketing? You can create video on your offers and services that your business offers and post them on Youtube for free. After that you need to embed code of the video on your website. In this way you will be able to fetch clients from your tube channel to your website.
  6. Index Your Organization on Local Directories: Register with popular local directories is on of the important free way since adding the name of your organization in local directory will help your clients find you easily on webs.  Ensure that you include details about your business but in concise form. The most popular directories are Google, Yahoo, Yelp, Bing, YellowBook, Linkedln and more.
  7. Try to Proactive on Social Media Platform: You can undoubtedly use popular social media to share your blog content and fetch your target audience group by engaged with them for different session. This a impressive way to get noticed faster. You can create different events, online program and these will let you interact with your desired clients group. You will find Facebook, Twitter, Google+ quite helpful for your social media activity.
  8. Having a Verified Profile with Google+ Local: Google+ Local is a beautiful way to have a remark on Google map about the physical position of your company office location. Google will send a pin number by post to you physical address as soon as you get registered, you need to enter then pin on the listing and start enjoying advantages. This strategy literally does a lot of sense and make sure that you appear on local search. Moreover the service is completely free and it is an opportunity to connect Google+ profile to your Google+ Local listing. However, you can get the pin immediately though mobile number.
  9.  Start Local Networking Events: The most suitable way to grow your business is developing network and start marking on that channel. Take part in conversation, events, seminar, business show, programmer arranged by business community of your region.
  10. Be a guest Writer on Others Website: Writing on other popular website of your niche can get you some level of achievements. Basically it is a true way to fetch great number of clients since your loyal readers will always follow you even you are not the mother site. You can mention the name of your site at the end of the writing. Therefore, if you gain trust of visitors then this can get you enormous business right away.

So no more waiting, you have all freedom to advertise your business with some or all of the shown ways. You will find more valuable tips on doing business online on our blog, have look!!

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Association with Social media platform like Pinterest and Instagram is considered as the best approach to have your brand recognized and attract the traffic to the desired level. Having a Facebook fan page is not just enough to explore SEO to spread the identity of your brand. You also need to ensure your presence on other popular places to get appreciation for your offer. Fortunately both Pinterest and Instagram are image sharing website and is not complex for search engine optimization issue on the other hand you will able to get attention and some followers from the huge traffic engaged there.


Just now you have leant the advantage of having link with Pinterest and Instagram therefore this could be a great deal for branding your business on web. The space is free for you; make us know if you have anything to share in your mind.

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Previously most of the business owner and digital marketer are running towards Facebook and Twitter since these two platforms are considered best fort their purpose since they have highest number of audience. Over the time the view of seeing potential platform has been changed now social marking has taken over by Instagram . Presently most of the national and multinational organization with variant of business field has profile with Instagram . Many of us ignore this platform due to its specific attribute of sharing only images. But the amazing fact is this photo and video sharing platform has the ability to enhance top level involvement of your clients. This happens due to the attribute of highest level of interest like comment and share of your shared content.

Another advantage of this social platform is business friendly perspective. This platform changes on regular basis and new features added as well. Therefore it is really easy to build strong presence on web through Instagram  and you can have dynamic ways of amplifying your brand right away.

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Social media helps to boost the growth of business and increase the traffic and conversion. That’s why this platform is utilizing by digital marketers greatly to increase the overall ranking of website.  To explore the power of social network you need to link your website with popular social media websites. The fact is important since if your website is properly optimized with social media network it will let you expand visibility of your site and will increase the awareness in efficient approach.

Finally, hope you have already understood the strategies that you should follow to make your website friendly with social media platform to increase your traffic and to boost your sales greatly. If you have any updated idea about utilizing social media more intensively please share with us.

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You can’t ignore the contribution of social media platform for boosting any physical and digital business. Over the year social media platforms are utilizing by professional marketers to explore new potential clients. The eye-catching landscape of social media sites help to go viral through likes, comments and share. Thus theses media sites could be a great place and tool for generating business that even other strategies for creating generic traffic may not able to catch. The most popular media are YouTube, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. You can drug big flow of traffic and certainly large number of potential clients effectively using these platforms.

In conclusion

To be honest social media presence is not merely enough to boost enough however it could makes lots of room to leverage your branding. And for the forthcoming days it will make lots of sense for the result you always desired.

Share Posts Automatically: More traffic is generated form more sharing of your blog post to different social network platform. But it is not time convenient to login to different site individually and post your content personally. If you are so much busy and do not get much time to spend on sharing then automatic sharing with several plugins is the best choice for you.

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Here I will introduce some significant ways which are using by several professional bloggers to share posts automatically:

Jetpack Publicize
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Publicize is one of the best plugin that automatically share your post. It share post automatically to different social platforms. This plugin is easy to use. You will get full independence of customization like which post to share and on which social platform to post.

One-Click Retweet/Share/Like
One click is a cool plug in which will automatically show your post to several social channel including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Delicious, Diigo, Tumblr, Foursquare, and more. With this awesome plugin you can set individual massage to your post for specific social platform in addition to your blog post.

Social Media Auto Publish
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To share your blog post immediately on social network site after publishing on you blog, SocialPublish is the best plugin. You don’t even have to create any Facebook or twitter Apps to utilize this plugin. This service is actually web based and you have to just sign up and define your massage for different platform.

Nextscripts: Social Network Auto-Poster
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This is the most popular plugin for sharing post on social network since it supports post to multiple account of same social platform. This plugin shows post on social channel with white marked level. Nextscripts supports all most social network including Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, and much more. It also display comments of social network in comment list of your blog post.
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It is also an excellent tool for sharing your post to several networks immediately. This is an online sever based service and if you integrate it to your site it will automatically serve your post to all popular platform. To use this plug in you have to just sign up and enable it form your RSS feed.

Which method should you choose to share posts automatically?

We  have already described all the effective tools for sharing your post to different social media sites. You can try these out and share your experience with us.