WordPress Theming

How to Choose the Best WordPress Theme for Your Website

In today’s digital age, having a website is essential for any business or individual looking to establish their online presence. WordPress is a popular platform that provides users with a variet...

How to Add CSS to Admin Page WordPress

It is quite easy to add CSS to admin page WordPress. All you need to get access to your functions.php file. Add put the following code in there and you are good. Plain simple huh?? [wpm_post_image id=...

5 Common WordPress Errors and Solutions

Even though WordPress is the most popular and powerful platform it becomes stand as point of frustrations. One of the most common technical issues that make the end users overwhelmed understands the a...

How To Convert Your Old Website Into WordPress Site

Due to the wide possibility of WordPress and dynamic content management system now it is powering 17% of the website on the web. So, why not you convert your website from old content management system...

How To Remove Sensitive Functionalities From WordPress Editor

WordPress is considered as the most powerful content management system presently among developers and webmasters due to the presence of versatile environment and lot of custom plugins. The interface o...
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