The Most Common WordPress Accessibility Issues and How to Resolve Them


In an era where the digital landscape is an integral part of daily life, web accessibility has transcended mere consideration; it’s an imperative. Ensuring that websites are accessible to individuals with disabilities is both a moral obligation and often a legal requirement. WordPress, renowned for its versatility and functionality, is a popular choice for website development. However, tackling common accessibility issues is paramount to creating an inclusive online environment. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into prevalent accessibility challenges that afflict WordPress websites and furnish practical remedies to surmount them.

Issue #1: Inadequate Alt Text for Images

Alt text, or alternative text, is a concise textual description assigned to images. It serves the critical function of conveying the content and purpose of images to users who may be reliant on screen readers or facing slow internet connections. It ensures that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can access and comprehend the content conveyed through images. To enhance or introduce alt text for images in your WordPress website:

  1. Select the desired image within the WordPress editor.
  2. Click the “Edit” button represented by a pencil icon.
  3. Locate the “Alt Text” field in the Image Details dialog box.
  4. Enter a succinct, descriptive alt text that effectively conveys the image’s meaning.
  5. Save your changes by clicking “Update.”

Issue #2: Lack of Semantic HTML

The use of semantic HTML is pivotal for delivering a website that is comprehensible to assistive technologies like screen readers. Semantic HTML employs elements that inherently indicate the correct meaning or structure of the content. Neglecting to implement semantic HTML can lead to confusion and accessibility hurdles. To ensure your WordPress site adheres to semantic HTML principles:

  1. Refrain from employing non-semantic elements like <div> for headings. Instead, utilize <h1>, <h2>, and so forth, to structure headings hierarchically.
  2. Employ appropriate list elements such as <ul> and <ol> for lists, and <p> for paragraphs.
  3. Ensure that links are elucidative and express their purpose.

Issue #3: Poor Color Contrast

Color contrast significantly influences the legibility of your content, particularly for users with visual impairments. Inadequate contrast can render text indistinct and difficult to discern. To enhance color contrast within your WordPress site:

  1. Leverage color contrast assessment tools to evaluate the contrast levels on your website.
  2. Verify that text and background colors exhibit sufficient contrast.
  3. Avoid relying solely on color to convey information.

Issue #4: Keyboard Navigation Challenges

Keyboard navigation constitutes a fundamental facet of web accessibility. Users who navigate websites exclusively through keyboards must be able to access all interactive elements seamlessly. To ameliorate keyboard navigation within your WordPress site:

  1. Rigorously test your website’s keyboard navigation to ascertain that all elements are readily accessible.
  2. Implement discernible focus styles for interactive elements such as links and buttons to facilitate user orientation.
  3. Guard against keyboard “traps,” where users become ensnared in specific areas of the page.

Issue #5: Insufficient Heading Structure

A coherent and well-organized heading structure is imperative for content comprehension and navigation. Headings serve as signposts, aiding users in grasping the hierarchy and arrangement of your content. To cultivate a well-structured heading hierarchy in WordPress:

  1. Accurately deploy the appropriate heading tags (e.g., <h1>, <h2>, <h3>) to denote the content’s hierarchy.
  2. Abstain from skipping heading levels (e.g., jumping from <h2> to <h4>).
  3. Ensure that headings faithfully represent the content they introduce.

Issue #6: Inaccessible Forms

Forms, often integral to websites, facilitate crucial interactions with users. Nevertheless, inaccessible forms can pose significant obstacles to individuals with disabilities. To craft accessible forms within your WordPress site:

  1. Employ accessible form fields featuring clear labels and placeholders.
  2. Furnish explicit instructions and error messages to guide users seamlessly.
  3. Rigorously test your forms with screen readers to guarantee their usability.

Issue #7: Missing ARIA Roles and Attributes

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles and attributes are invaluable for enhancing the accessibility of dynamic web content. They furnish supplementary information to assistive technologies, improving user experiences. To heighten the accessibility of your WordPress site with ARIA:

  1. Develop proficiency in ARIA roles and attributes and their appropriate usage.
  2. Ensure the correct implementation of ARIA roles and attributes for interactive elements such as sliders and accordions.
  3. Leverage ARIA to enhance user interactions, such as signaling when content updates dynamically.

Issue #8: Inaccessible Video and Audio Content

Multimedia elements, including videos and audio, must be accessible to all users, irrespective of their abilities. Insufficient accessibility measures can exclude individuals with disabilities. To guarantee multimedia accessibility within your WordPress site:

  1. Provide captions for videos to make spoken content accessible to users with hearing impairments.
  2. Accommodate users by offering transcripts for audio content, allowing them to read the content if listening isn’t an option.
  3. Enhance accessibility by implementing audio descriptions for video content, which describe visual elements for users with visual impairments.

Prioritizing accessibility in your WordPress website isn’t merely an obligation; it’s a commitment to inclusivity and user-friendliness. By proactively addressing these prevalent accessibility issues and implementing the solutions provided, you can create a website that warmly welcomes and accommodates all visitors, regardless of their abilities. Commence your journey towards a more accessible WordPress site today, and contribute to a digital landscape that values inclusivity above all.

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Dr. Sabbir | WordPress expert | Kajabi Expert
About The Author
Dr. Sabbir is an experienced front-end software engineer, WordPress specialist, and web consultant with over 12 years in the tech industry. Although he holds a medical degree from Rajshahi Medical University, he chose to follow his true passion for web development. Since then, he has designed and developed intuitive websites and applications across a range of industries utilizing his proficiency in various programming languages to improve user experiences.
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