How To Add Images Right Way For Your WordPress Blog or Pages

How To Add Images Right Way For Your WordPress Blog or Pages

Plenty of advice you will find on web about utilization of images to exploit the SEO. But you have to decide which you should follow and which should be avoided. Tons of images are flooding the web but all of them are not suitable for SEO strategy. This article will tell you how you should use images for your content to get advantage of SEO and how you could avoid the risk of copy right issue.

  • Make Sure the Images Are Legal Most of the new blogger are not concern about the copy right law of digital photography. Therefore sometimes they use images for their blog which they should not use since they have no such legal rights on those images. This is actually a great mistake done by novice blogger.  Before using any image for contents we need to know the fair use policy of the image. We have found creative commons and public domain images as quite safe for use. However most the creative common licensed images requires to mentioning the source link back. Without explicit permission of photographer you should not use such images because it may sue your even you mentioned the source or the name of photographer. So as the fine for copyright infringements is expensive blogger should only use the clearly labeled creative or public domain photos.
  • Be careful about alt tags Labeling each photos of the blog with alt tag is certainly a good idea. For taking advantage of SEO images could play a vital role. If Google identified images of your site for Google images then it will help you getting traffic. Alt tags should be short, concise and to the point. You should not use long list of key words as Google penguin algorithm may eliminate your from the first page of ranking for this offence.
  • Quality of the Pictures Should be Considered Some obscure form of images like low resolution, low quality, and pixilated images and considered as red flag for Google which will literally play down your ranking. It is better having no image than low quality images. If your blog has good images it will look impressive thus you gain appreciation from your readers and your SEO result will be noticeable.
  • Providing link with Images This is a controversial issue and the need of providing links with images is depends on some facts. It was figured out by many affiliate marketers that linking image with product makes better conversion. However, Google usually dislike such type of practice. If anyone wants to use this action they should make sure that use nofollow tag so that search spider doesn’t follow them since it is extremely harmful for SEO. Still many webmaster don’t link pictures assuming that in future Google may take it as negative element for ranking.
  • Using single Image There is no hard and fast rule of using specific number of images for any blog post. Usually long textual paragraph is boring and it may reduce the value of content thus breaking the post with some content relevant images will add value to them. Using more images with alt tag helps search engines to keep the site listed in search ranking thus it will end to success of getting huge traffic in instance. Number of quality images with smart caption will allow presenting the standard of your knowledge and dedication.

So using appropriate images for your content makes lots of sense for blogging. Do you have any prudent opinion about this topic? You can share your ideas with us. Don’t forget to leave a comment.