Link Building & The Future Of SEO

Link Building & The Future Of SEO

Over the years, We have seen link building had a significant role of SEO ranking. Still now it helps you to get ranked. The SEO myth was, get good back link as much as you can. Well, link building is not going to work in near future.

So what should you do now? Improve user experience. Google wants your website mobile friendly. Google gives emphasis for the website that is show optimized content for all devices. So it is going to be the major SEO issue than anything else.

 Why Google Emphasis On User Experience?

Google makes a large amount of money from ads. Just think, if you do a google and find a website that is not relevant. What should you do?

You will not use google anymore, right?

So Google always try to give you best relevant result. That is why it does not going to emphasis on link building. It goes for user experience.

Surely link building will help search engine crawl your website. But Google will rank website that provide most user friendly experience with no links than a website that has thousands of back link.

So, what is the relevant search result?

I believe following terms will define the relevant result….

  • CTR ( Click Through Rate ) – When some one search on Google they get some result on the first page on google. Mostly 10 of it, right? So all 10 listing get Impression. Think about 100 impression. And 1st result got 20 click, 2nd got 40 click, 3rd got 10 click, 4th got 10, 5th got 20 click. So the CTR is really high for 2nd result. So google will know that the second result is more relevant.
  • Bounce Rate – If people leave the website within short time it meas people are not getting what they wanted on your website. Google hate it. Why, Google do not want you to keep searching. So you need to try to engage your visitor more to ensure that you have lower bounce rate. Actually, loosing rank is easy that gaining it. Add good information on your website. add video on your website. Interact with your visitors. That is what we call good user experience. Give your visitors what they need. They will stay on your website for a long time and start browsing within your website.

So you see the website that provide best user experience is going to win this race. That means, Good content, Image, Videos etc will help you to rank better at the long run.


I did not ask you to stop making back link. But you should more focus about user experience. Link building can not be your main focus. As you know loosing rank is really easy than getting it. So if your website is not going to give better user experience you will loose ranking very soon and eventually all of your hard work will be gone.


Some Suggestion:

  • Redesign your current WordPress website to give your visitors most user experience.
  • Be sure your current WordPress theme is SEO optimized.
  • Be sure to add relevant keywords and meta tags for all of your page and post
  • Be sure to add internal links within your page or post.

Check out more SEO tips here.