Top 10 Deadly SEO Mistakes Which May Risk Your Google Ranking

Top 10 Deadly SEO Mistakes Which May Risk Your Google Ranking

Achieving highest ranking with the search giant Google is literally a dream of every website owner always. To be frank actually above 90% of the visitors usually visit the first page of the search result.  Beginners sometimes do some mistake while working with SEO since they are exactly not conscious about the killing factors. Basically SEO mistakes are very common with new web developer due to less knowledge and relatively less understanding level of the fundamental tactics like metadata, keywords, tagging, on-page copy and more other similar facts. Today we are about to make you acknowledge about some the bad practices that you must avoid to reduce the risk of losing your rank.

  • Poor Content Goolge loves to crawls websites with original high quality content with standard structure and language. You must need to make sure that content of site is rich with entertaining voice and strong ideas.  Using article spinners is an offense in the eyes of Google and they create negative calculation in Google’s algorithm. So you must avoid using such things.  To do this correctly you have to be a dedicated writer but what will you do if you have no passion for writing? Hiring freelancer writer could be a better choice for your issue. Don’t warn the hired writer for larger volume rather you should make him aware of providing original quality content. Always try to be first one for any new idea as because Google does will not value you if you are the 10th person who is sharing the same ideas.
  • Stuffing Keywords You will happy to learn that Google is intelligent enough to identify the contents you are sharing on your website. That’s why you don’t need to mess with uttering the keywords throughout the content. Presently the old strategy of pronouncing keywords is not considered exactly as the part of ranking. So stuffing keywords not actually going to help you a lot and this practice will bother your readers as well.
  • Overlooking Building Internal Links Unfortunately while most of the web master provides emphasis on building back links they are relatively less interested about creating internal links. This may be not a good practice since according to analysis internal linking makes the SEO of the site stronger in view of Google. The interesting fact of internal ranking is that, it makes the owner able to connect the useful contents and present them in smart way so that they can find them easily and it also ensure more engagement of your audience with you. So you should take this in your account so that you don’t miss the opportunity to have a boost in your ranking.
  • Avoiding Google Webmaster Tool Google provides lots of free tracking tool that you should use to track the number of visitors you are gaining as well as source of the visitors and the keywords they are using to find your website. Another tool of Google which need to take into consideration is the use of disavow tool. The function of this tool is quite tricky since with this you will able to identify the backlinks of your website which are creating negative impact on your SEO ranking.
  • Ignoring Different Form of Media Using different form of media along with textual content will build confidence of your clients about your professionalism. Make sure that the used images have alt tags so that Google consider them for crawl. Using Video with the contents is wise idea which will bring substantial benefits like you will able to hold your visitors for longer time than usually you can. Serving true professional images with video content is much better. Backing from popular video hosting site like you tube brings good SEO results.
  • Your SEO strategies and Obsolete You may be shocked to hear that the old methods of search engine optimization are no more valuable for ranking. So you should not get into the methods like buying backlinks, excessive keyword integration, utilizing keyword anchored back links. Old methods will certainly hold your lower in search ranking.
  • You don’t Have Meta tags Meta tags shows exactly what your website is offering for the visitors. So if you fail to integrate the meta description properly, visitors may not find your website beneficial for visiting. Therefore you may not able to utilize the SEO even you are on first page. On the other hand search engine will also find your site suitable for ranking under niche when you include meta data for it.
  • You Don’t Have External Link with Authority Websites If you want to achieve the highest level of confidence of your visitors, you have to provide the best possible content to them. And as because these websites like Wikipedia, YouTube and Twitter has authority in web thus if you build external link with this site for your post and pages, you will undoubtedly be able to push ranking in the search engines.
  • You website full of Broken Links Website pages with 404 not found page error are too much unprofessional and may diminish your earned trustworthiness in instance. This issue is alarming not only for reducing your traffic but also consider as red flag for search ranking since if Google found such dead link while crawling it will not index you on top. So specific technical periodical checking of your website is mandatory.
  • Ignoring WordPress SEO Plug-ins The reason behind the popularity of WordPress is the availability of thousands of plugins. And many of them are literally useful for increasing ranking of your website. So if your website is built on the WordPress platform you should utilize the wide advantage of using Plugins for optimizing your website for search engines.

Final Words

These are the common mistakes which beginners usually does, even some professional experienced webmaster sometimes miss to follow some of these. So if you cordially follow this guide consequently you will able to make your place top on the search page.