What makes your link bad for SEO?

What makes your link bad for SEO?

If you want to have a desired number of audiences to your website or blog by exploiting the search engines then you have to know everything about the optimization of search engines. Link building is the effective technique that has been following over the year. The Google is considered as the smartest one to have knowledge of identifying website with bad links. If your site is considered as this you may penalized in different way. Google may drop your ranking or you may not consider for indexing. In this article I will reveal the evidence of Google good versus bad links. And will try to short out a way of earning good points.

An overview of Link building

We have to know the way a search engine works. Search engine use the complex algorithms to analyze the specific web link page and determine its popularity, rating of audience and create a search result accordingly. You can consider a link as a vote for a website or webpage. But when a site gets link form a relatively new site that yet not achieved much trust, this type of vote is not counted at all. On the contrary when a site gets a link form CNN or BCC then it is counted as influential vote. Several techniques are tried for SEO purposes including buying or selling link, link exchange, large scale article marketing, guest posting and automated link building. But the truth is that Google is conversant with these black hat strategy and they noted it in the search engine console. Google has already fixed most of this bad practice over the year. The updated premium algorithm aiming to penalize those who are over employing their website by creating unnatural links  .

Expert’s concept About Link Building

Experts suggest that content of a website should be good enough for the views and the webmaster should make it flexible to for others, so that they can easily link it. Basically links are used as part of algorithm but it is not the sole things for determining the raking. So only focusing on link may lead to create more complex situation and may fail to get the actual advantage of Search engine.  According a survey on hundreds of SEO expert’s domain level link and page link are crucial factors which influence Goggles algorithms.

You can increase promotion with unique article and more natural link. The strategy of overall spinning of article and intentional link building technique is completely dead now. You need to understand the natural looks of a link and have to create a genuine connection from the source.

The 7 types of Links that Goggle don’t consider for ranking

Usually Google Justify the 7 seven characteristics before it rank a site.

  1. A link form Less Reputed domain.
    To get a higher ranking you must need link form popular trusted and authorities websites. You could not expect good result by getting links form thousands of spams sites. If you are linked to several low authority sites with low standards Google will penalize you by excluding you from raking. Google actually knows what is natural and what is not.
  2. If the connected Source and Your Site is not relevant
    If you are an owner of a travel agency of England and your website is pointing from all the Asian websites based on builders websites. Then it will clear to Google that you are not doing good with your SEO. The source website and the landing website should be of same context.
  3. Several Links from the Same Website
    Once you get a link to your site from a source you will get a point but for each additional link form that page will lower your values. So try to diversify your incoming rather than inputting large quantity form the same source.  Google will consider it as more natural.
  4. A Link That Involves You Linking Back to the Source as a Reciprocal Exchange
    Exchanging or trading link may be penalized by Google. You may think that linking others site to your will boost your SEO as they will link yours site. This is proved totally wrong. Google consider it as over exploration. You may connect to websites which are similar to you. But do not make too much reciprocal link with such websites. Do it in a way that ensures a real value.
  5. A Link with Overly Optimized Anchor Text
    The anchor text is the clickable text that we see within the content of the website and once we click on it we will be directed to another page. Once it is used for Google ranking but now it is not exclude form SEO rules. Too much keywords and phrases will rank your site lower because Google will judge it as shady link builder.  Google uses it calculations to understand semantics and context when crawl through content.
  6. A Link in a Random, Meaningless Place Without Supporting Content
    Google have the idea about all contents on web and it smart enough to verify quality and unique contents. If you have a blog and the links provided inside your content is not relevant to post then you will easily identified as spam by Google.
  7. A Link That’s Part of an Obvious Link Scheme
    Link scheme refers to the use of large quantities of link from many small sites to a large target site in order to boost search ranking of that large site. If Google grab your techniques which you are using to deceive it then, you will certainly fall in trouble.

Some suggestion about Good’ Links

You have to work in more potential ways to generate links toward your site. Popular marketers and blogger use some unique technique for focusing their site.

  • Posts on Other Blogs as guest writer
    If you write good contents on other site which is really beneficial and add link to your site it will consider as reward. And you will get pretty good result in Google search.
  • Create Info graphics
    Some popular blogger suggested that if you use infographics it attracts huge traffic with ease. You will get popularity when you serve it fast and pleasant way. You can use ‘canva’ to create infograf of your own.
  • Use social Media for Promotion
    If you are a popular writer and your post get large number of publication on several social platforms then you are going to get large number of backlinks. The more you post shared the more you change rise. If you are using WordPress, there are some awesome plugin will help you to share your content automatically.

Other Resources:

Link Building & The Future Of SEO

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