7 Common SEO Lies & BS You Must Ignore

7 Common SEO Lies & BS You Must Ignore

As we know SEO is indispensable part of gaining potential clients and promoting any website. There are lot of SEO consultancy firm out there and doing huge business in their sector. Unfortunately no governing body or regulatory authority is here that provides crtificate or recognition about SEO experts. That’s why market is full of armature and fraud SEO service provider. You will surprise to learn that the WordPress community is even unprofessional. They have lots of wrong and outdated concept about basic needs of SEO. So the real situation is, lots of SEO service providers are providing service without knowing anything, do you think it could bring positive result? It is literally hand for website owner to identify who really has knowledge about SEO.

Guess what, we are about to share our in depth ideas about SEO lies that you must avoid.

Doing Wrong With SEO is Bad for You

If you are working with SEO then you might have knowledge that if the webmaster forgets about 301 redirect or flood the site with rich anchor text then it could harm the algorithm of search engines and all your attempts will end in smoke. Because of wrong approach your website may be removed from search engine’s ranking and kill your revenue by preventing potential client to reach your site.

WordPress Plugins is Merely Not Enough for SEO

Many webmaster believe that WordPress SEO plugins like Yoast SEO is just a green signal for WordPress website. To be frank a SEO plugin actually dons not generate SEO since it just a tool that somehow help to improve SEO efforts but not that much.  SEO plugin only covers a very small part of your entire SEO needs. Whereas real search engine optimization comprises lots of activities including content generation, keyword mapping, tagging, meta description, site mapping. And it’s really needed to spend tons of time for planning and execution of the process. SEO tool will only help you to do some research on the planning of SEO.

BS out of SEO

  • 1. SEO consultant has Personal Relation with Google Many SEO experts may claim that they personally know the expert of Google but you should not believe in such types of foolish words. SEO experts could not have the level of relation with Google experts that could let them convince to modify algorithms for their site. The two groups is totally works in different ways and their relation is contradictory.
  • 2. SEO Consultants Have all Power to Rank You Top It cannot be possible since their activities cover only few area of the SEO process. Literally, they can actually help you a little. You can even get positive results with SEO by working hard of your own.
  • 3. They Will Do All the Works of SEO Projects SEO is not a single task it includes many strategies and a whole team works for it including the website owner.
  • 4. Algorithms is Familiar to SEO Expert This is another false statement. SEO expert only can make assumption about the information and they learn it form trial and error methods.
  • 5. SEO needs only Building Links It is a miss concept about SEO that building links is enough for SEO but the truth is that it only a portion of the overall process.
  • 6. Content is Not an Important Fact Without content you actually were noting to be ranked by search engines. Search engines rank website based the content and keywords included in the content.
  • 7. SEO Can Only Done By SEO Expert It’s totally wrong. Anyone can learn and apply SEO strategy effectively. You can even be expert on SEO by doing research on web. It is really better to do SEO with own efforts sometimes it make better result.

Some real words about SEO are included here that you must believe

  1. SEO is complex
  2. SEO efforts takes long time to produce result
  3. SEO needs developing plan and their implementation
  4. SEO needs the owner also work for it
  5. SEO is not a magic it requires education
  6. SEO experts need to have in depth knowledge about the clients industry
  7. SEO shows best result when user experience get priority in website designing

Final words

Unfortunately WordPress world is filled with unethical SEO experts. Actually this industry has very little number of good consultants. So it is better to make you educated so that you can manage your SEO efforts personally. Success in SEO is all about learning, planning, execution and diligence.